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Preventive maintenance is essential to ensure your marine engine operates efficiently throughout the boating season. A well-maintained engine not only enhances safety and performance but also saves significant long-term costs by preventing major repairs. This guide provides essential steps and expert tips to extend the lifespan of your engine and avoid costly issues.


Choosing the right replacement part for your marine engine is crucial for maintaining its performance and longevity. The correct parts not only ensure the engine operates efficiently but also help prevent costly damage over time. This guide outlines the key factors to consider and how to identify compatible replacement parts for your engine.


Our anodes are manufactured with an alloy tested by independent laboratories, which guarantees their resistance and durability in extreme conditions. In addition, they have quality certifications from recognised bodies such as NMMA, NACDA and ISO 9001-2015, ensuring that they meet the most demanding standards in the market.


At RECMAR we offer high quality turbochargers for all types of vessels. Our turbochargers are manufactured only with 100% new standard components, which guarantees their performance and durability in extreme conditions.